Monday, February 16, 2015

Musical Mondays Update

So a while ago, I posted an idea called Musical Mondays... If we are to go on with the idea, I'm gonna need submissions! :) You can send them to :) Also, is anyone interested in music history?


  1. Hi Christy it's Steelers Fan from the Rebelution! Did you find this comment section without too much trouble? (Annalysa, just so you know, we're transferring a music conversation from the Soldiers of God to here :-)

  2. Hey, it's me! :) I didn't have any trouble finding it, but Google got a little crazy on me when I tried to reply, so I'm commenting through my WordPress account. So if you get two similar replies...blame it on Google. :)
    In response to what you said last, I'm glad you thought it was funny. =) I haven't gotten a chance to check out those videos yet but I will as soon as I can! And Pentatonix is amazing!!! I wish I could sing like that. What is your favorite song by them?

  3. Yes! Looks like we both got over here :-) Anyways I think that it's a shame that a couple of guys from Pentatonix are gay, that's the only thing I don't like about them. My favorite is probably their version "Problem" by Ariana Grande. Have you heard that one yet?

    By the way, since I blew my Disqus alias...feel free to check out my Youtube or Google+ page! I don't really post anything, but I tried to put together nice-looking and informative profiles :-)

    1. Yeah...but they aren't a Christian group, so I guess you can't really expect anything more. That was a cool video! What do you think of the one they did with Lindsey Sterling?

      Haha, cool. It's kind of weird to know what you look like--I guess I got used to whatever those colorful diamond things were. ;) Random question: How did you come across the Rebelution?

    2. Yes that one was awesome! That Kevin guy not only is a beat box but he can play an amazing cello. That plus Lindsey's violin and everyone else's vocals was just amazing. Loved it! Do you have a favorite by them?

      Haha those "diamonds" are the Pittsburgh Steelers logo...kinda fits my username "Steelers Fan". (If you look close to the left of the 3 diamonds it actually says "Steelers".) Anyways, way back when my parents bought me a copy of Do Hard Things but I never got involved in posting until I ran across a really helpful article and put my first post on it...then one post led to another! You know how that works, right?

    3. Sorry it's taken so long to get back to you! I've been sick and haven't been up to being on the computer much.
      Haha, poor guy, he can play the cello so well but how often does he get to show it off in an a capella group?? I don't really think I have a favorite... the Winter White Hymnal (if I remember correctly) might be one. The choreographed hand clapping is awesome. :)
      Lol, yeah, I figured that out. ;) That's cool! Yeah, from the moment I stumbled across the comment section, I knew I had to be a part of it. It's just such an amazing, God-focused community!!!
      So, I can't believe I haven't asked you this yet (and if I have...oops. Lol)--do you play any instruments?

    4. Ut-oh...hope you're feeling better! I actually heard that he came out with his own single that he played the cello the whole time, you should try to find it. Yep, I play piano and acoustic guitar. I think I have this on my Disqus profile but I am lucky enough to have a job at a local church leading worship on the piano every week :-) It's really awesome! Do you play anything?

    5. Thanks! And I'll have to check that out!
      That's awesome! :) By "job" do you mean that you get paid?? Not that money is the most important thing about leading worship, I'm just curious. ;) I play piano as well, and I sing, and I do both on my church's worship team! It's the most amazing thing ever (although it has its frustrating moments), but I'm sure I don't need to tell you that. :) How long have you been leading worship?

    6. Haha yep I get paid. Not a ton but enough to buy some cool stuff and put some in the bank. I lead the worship music alone so I really don't have to do it with other people, which suits me nicely since I don't wok the greatest with others, haha. Awesome I wish I could sing! I can carry a tune and harmonize...but I don't really have a great voice or range :-) I've been leading worship for nearly 2 years now. How long have you been doing music for your church?

      This is kinda random, but have you heard of Cellofourte?

    7. That's cool! Our church is smaller than most, so our entire worship team just volunteers, but it's a privilege. :) I understand that completely...the only times I didn't absolutely love being on the worship team was when I felt like screaming at the other people on it (or crying, possibly), lol. Kind of do it by yourself, but you don't sing? Do you mean you're the only one that plays an instrument? I've been on my worship team for three and a half years.
      I hadn't, but I just looked them up and they sound awesome!! I would love to be able to play cello or violin....

    8. Haha yes it can be hard but it really is worth it. So the church I play at has 2 services, one at 8:30 and one at 10:30. So I play at the 8:30 and just lead with the piano since the turnout is usually small. The 10:30 is the big service with around 175 people and an organ and choir and bell choir. Hope that clears it up...
      Yeah Cellofourte is pretty good. They put out a whole album that put Skillet to cello, that's what got my attention. And I also watched White Winter Hymnal by Pentatonix, that was really cool too :-)
      Do you play guitar?

    9. Very cool! Our church used to have two services, but we recently moved to a larger building, so now we only have one. And thaat does clear things up. I often forget that churches have different styles of worship. :) Ours is mostly contemporary, so besides me on the keyboard, we have a drummer and two guitarists, and two other vocalists.
      That was cool; I think I'd prefer that to listening to Skillet itself, lol... Cool! There's not much variation in the song vocally, but the clapping totally makes up for it. :) No, I do not. I borrowed a friend's guitar for a few months and tried, but it just didn't work out. Right now I'm trying to learn violin, and I'm not having much more luck. ;) How long have you played guitar?

    10. Very cool! Our church used to have two services, but we moved to a larger building recently so now we just have one. That does clear things up. :) I often forget that churches have different styles of worship. We do mostly contemporary music; I do vocals and keyboard, and we also have a drummer, a guitarist (acoustic/electric)/vocalist, and another guitarist/vocalist, and (one more, lol) vocalist.
      Cool! There's not much variety in the vocals on that song, but the clapping totally makes up for it. :) No, I do not. I tried for a few months once, but it just didn't click. Right now I'm trying to learn violin, and I'm not having much more luck with it. ;) How long have you been playing guitar?

    11. Sorry about that, I re-typed and posted my comment--I guess it was delayed in being published. :)

    12. I forget too...I was raised in a Presbyterian church that had very traditional worship so contemporary worship sometimes throws me in for a loop :-) That's a lot of vocalists for not having a choir! Although having 2 guitarists is probably a good idea. I've been playing acoustic guitar for 6 years or so and want to buy an electric soon. I think in chords a lot when playing music so guitar seems like a natural instrument of choice :-) Violin is HARD! I guess it takes a long time to get it going in the right direction, good luck with that, lol. You mentioned that you play keyboard, you play piano then as well?

    13. @theteentheme - stick with it!!!! Get through the hard part that is so boring (it seems) and once you break through that barrier, you'll be soooooooo glad you stayed with the violin! That's what I've been telling my beginning students: It'll get hard and you'll want to stop. But be persistent and persevere and you'll be so glad you didn't stop! :)

      Uh, you don't mind me joining in on the conversation do you? :)

    14. No problem, feel free to join us :-) Is it really that great to stick with the violin?

    15. Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Absolutely, stick with it! It is so worth it! I didn't like it for the first several years but now I love it... :)

    16. @Cole haha, ikr? We didn't always have so many vocalists, and I had the exact same thoughts as we started to introduce more. One of the guitarists rarely sings though, so ultimately we have one male lead singer, me as the female lead, and another woman who sings harmony. We don't all sing every song, so it works out and doesn't sound too much like a choir, lol. ;) Very cool! To be honest, it would be nice if we had even one more guitarist. That way we would have acoustic, electric, and bass. Maybe someday...
      Thanks! Well... I kind of think of the keyboard as just an electric version of the piano, so yes. Did you mean something different? I have an upright piano that I play at home and a keyboard that I play at church.

      @Anna lysa I'm glad you jumped in, the encouragement means a lot to me!!! :) So you teach violin? That's awesome! Any advice? :) I actually teach piano. I'm guessing from your profile pic that you play piano as well?

    17. Lol you could be the next Lindsey Stirling! Unfortunately my plate is full between guitar and piano...I really don't have time to pick up a new instrument :-(

    18. This comment has been removed by the author.

    19. @theteentheme - yes, I do play piano too. :) Advice? Hmm.... keep your left wrist down, don't let it hold up the violin. To secure your violin, hold it mainly with your chin. You should be able to hold the violin up (by holding it with your chin) without holding it with your hand...does that make sense? :)

    20. @Cole Haha, if only. I know exactly what you mean. I don't really have time either, haha. :) If you could learn any instrument(s) you wanted to besides what you already play, what would they be? (@Anna lysa, feel free to answer that too, I'm curious:)

      @Anna lysa How long have you been playing piano and violin? Thanks! I think that's one of the things about trying to teach myself--YouTube can't tell me if I'm holding it wrong. ;)

    21. My next instruments I want to play are ukelele, harp, saxophone, and flute. I already play piano (13 years), violin (8 years), cello (1 1/2 years), penny whistle (hobby), ocarina (hobby), and I dabbled around with the accordion for a little while but didn't stick with it. I wish I had and I plan on getting it back out... :) Yeah, no problem - are you on G+ or Google Hangouts? I could always give you some pointers if you're allowed to video chat. :)

    22. Thirteen years! That's a long time! If you don't mind me asking, how old are you? I've been playing for 7 1/2 years. That's awesome that you can play so many instruments! There are a lot of instruments that I would love to learn, but quality instruments and lessons are just too expensive. Mostly the lessons though. I don't mind splurging for a new instrument, but the lessons just keep adding up. I was blessed to have a very talented and affordable piano teacher for many years. So, besides teaching myself, the violin I have now is one I borrowed from a friend who doesn't play anymore (but she does play the flute:). Frugality! Lol ;)
      Learning the accordion sounds really cool! Does it have a lot of similarities to piano?
      I'm not allowed to video chat, but thank you so much for the offer! :) I really appreciate that.

    23. Sorry for the slow reply, I've had a crazy last few days with my 1st piano festival last Saturday. @TTT, I'd probably like to learn the drums next, I've been inspired by some pretty awesome drummers. However, that's probably not realistic. I'll probably end up learning organ since our church has a really nice one :-) THAT would be really cool too!

      @Annalysa @TTT what songs are you guys currently working on with the piano?

    24. @Cole - I don't really have any music I'm working on right now... I'd like to refine and finish some songs that I had clips recorded to write but I haven't gotten around to that... I don't have any motivation right now to play - there's nothing to work that's kinda hard. I'm trying to rememorize Chopsticks ( but other than that...any fun suggestions?

      @theteentheme - I'm 15. :) I started a little early. The accordion I have is a piano accordion type but I'd really like a button accordion - they're smaller and seemingly easier to play but they run from $800-over $1,000 so I'm not making that a priority! I know, we should just make our instruments!!!! :D My dad is really good at building stuff so he made me a cello stand and he said he could make me a clarinet if I wanted. :)

      Okay, here's a question for y'all - what inspired you to play the instrument(s) you play?

      For me and the cello, it was hands down the Piano Guys. I loved it and was praying for a cello for a long time! I just finished paying for mine, actually, today!!!!! :D The penny whistle was inspired by the Willis Clan, the ocarina by some YouTube video, and the piano and violin I have no idea... :D

    25. @Annalysa Are you learning the same version as that guy in the video? That was SO cool, the way he took all the parts from different songs and put them together. You should learn to play Maple Leaf Rag, everybody loves that one!

      I've played piano since I was 5 so my motivation was not getting in trouble with mom :-) My motivation for guitar is an old pastor who played a mean acoustic guitar and all the awesome Christian rock groups who play great electric guitar.

      Currently I'm working on Sonata 10 by Beethoven, Prelude & Fugue 21 by Bach, Prelude in C# Minor and Polichinelle by Rachmaninoff, and all sorts of church music :-D

    26. @Cole I would love to learn the drums too, but it probably isn't going to happen. I may settle for learning to play the cajon or something. And what do you mean by piano festival?
      Well, right now I'm learning a song from some movie I've never heard of (lol) called "The Heart Asks Pleasure First". It's a beautiful piece. And every so often I'll practice Moonlight Sonata, but that song and I don't get along very well. ;) a That's about it for now, except for a few CCM songs. What about you?

      @Anna lysa Wow, you really did! I didn't start taking lessons until I was nine, but I've known how to play longer than that. Why is everything we want so expensive?! Lol :) I had no idea accordions were so expensive, but I guess I shouldn't really be surprised. And that's awesome that your dad can do that!
      Oh, Piano Guys!!! XD To be honest, I didn't really care about the cello until I discovered them--now it's one of my favorite instruments. :) And congratulations! How expensive are they?
      Yeah...I think I started piano lessons because my grandparents and parents wanted me to. :) But I've always enjoyed piano. My mom taught me to play a few songs (including chopsticks!) when I was younger. Singing (I consider my voice to be an instrument:) is kind of along the same lines...I just do it and love it because I do! Lol :) I think one of the big (and maybe really silly) reasons I want to play the violin is because it's kind of an instrument that requires your whole body, and as a result you can really pour yourself into it. Does that make any sense?? It sounded better in my head... =)

    27. @Cole - Absolutely! I heard a guy play it at Bible Bee ( and I asked him where he got the song... He told me and I loved it. :) I'm not up to speed yet but I can play it. :D I love it and he did a Happy Birthday version. You should check that one out, too. And if you're a Mario fan, he did a Mario Medley too. :D

      @theteentheme - I got my cello used from a friend so it was only $600 (included the case and the bow... which is not usually the case...) Yeah, that totally makes sense!!! :)

    28. @TTT I posted a list of what I'm working on right above your last comment :-) For the festivals all you do is go into a closed room with a couple judges and play for them. Nobody else is allowed in but people still put their ear to the door :-) I don't know if either you or Annalysa use Instagram but the festival was held at a Steinway dealership and I posed a cool photo of all those pianos in the showroom...not every day you can play one of those things!!!

      @Annalysa that's so cool! I can play that Prelude by Rachmaninoff that's in that chopsticks song. Maybe soon I can learn the Hungarian Rhapsody no. 2 by List...

    29. @Cole I saw, it was quite an impressive list! I'm not on Instagram, but that sounds really cool! So if there are judges, does that mean there's something to win?? :)

      @Anna lysa That's cool! Friends are great. =) What's your favorite song(s) by the Piano Guys?

    30. @TTT yeah that Beethoven is so hard. I'm also working on the piano part of Concerto No.2 by Shostakovich. That is totally amazing, here's a link to it:
      Too bad you don't use Instagram, that's where all us teens hang out. Usually no, at my piano events you don't win much of anything except a certificate :-( I did get 1 trophy though!

      This is kinda a random question...but I was wondering, when do you think we're going to be too old to post on the Rebelution?

      @Annalysa you've gotta post yourself playing that song on Youtube when you learn it!

    31. I played it last spring (twice) for my recitals but I can't figure out how to configure the video to YouTube format.... :/ I'm techy, but not with stuff like that.... :P

      but.......I was able to upload one song from our recital last spring: - idk if you saw it or not... :)

    32. Sorry for the short and slow reply but I just got a new computer and am trying to get it set up :-) You can go online and find a list of files that Youtube supports, no problem. I loved your video, you really do need to post more stuff when you get it figured out! I can help you out if you want it and I have a little more time :-)

    33. No problem - I've been swamped with school and teaching lessons and stuff these past few days so I totally understand!!!! :)

      Our video camera has it's own special format or something and I have no idea how to convert it.... I'll have to get on the family computer when I have time and see what format they're in. (I'm on my computer right now)..... I'll have to get back to you on that one. :)

    34. @Cole That's such a beautiful song, I love it! And...I've thought about joining Instagram, but I'm just not that into social media. I have a Google+ account, but only because they somehow made me, lol. And Flickr. And congrats on the trophy! :)

      I've thought about that too! Especially since my blog is called The Teen Theme... Anyway, I think the Reb can apply to people in their 20s as well, so I don't think it would be weird to continue. I do think, though, that eventually the main group of people commenting on the website will be so much younger than us that we'll just fade out over time. It's so crazy that we're old enough to be considering this! So what do you think?

      Btw, (@Anna lysa too) I found a video of that song I've been learning. I can't play it nearly as fast as this guy can, but it sounds incredible! I copied that link off the YouTube app, so let me know if it doesn't work. :)

      @Anna lysa That recital piece sounded fun to play! :D You're very talented.

    35. That is such a pretty song! What movie does it go with?

    36. I've never seen the movie. It's called The Piano and it's rated R (and I only knew that because I Googled it just now, haha). I do love the song, though. :) I stumbled across it when I was looking online for new songs to learn. You can get the sheet music for free if you want to give it a try.

    37. Free sheet music?!?! Sure!!!! :D

      Hey, would y'all mind if we moved the conversation to the chat page?

    38. Cool! I'll leave the link to it in the chat page.

  4. @Cole - by all means! :) I'd like to bring more people on... :)

    @theteentheme - glad you found us! :)
